- Marie T, Russell, InnerSelf.com
- Read Time: 2 mins
Compassion is a much-needed quality in our world. If someone is rude to you, or unfriendly, or whatever, practice choosing alternative thoughts.
Compassion is a much-needed quality in our world. If someone is rude to you, or unfriendly, or whatever, practice choosing alternative thoughts.
Journaling, or writing to and for yourself, is a great way to get in touch with your feelings as well as with your inner guidance.
What kind of teacher is living in your head?
Ask yourself the following questions in a kind, caring, and compassionate voice, perhaps as the voice of your compassionate "ideal self".
Our mind is very good at imagining scenarios.
The thoughts that run randomly in your head can be your worst enemy.
We all have beliefs about ourselves... whether we think we're smart or not, good-looking or not, likeable or not, etc. However...
The word Namasté in its simple form means "I bow to you" and is further interpreted as...
To live in true harmony means to live in a state of social consciousness, aware of the highest good of all, not just our own good.
When we seek harmony within ourselves, as well as with others, we start with our hope or intention to attain that goal.
As things occur around us, and to us, we may find ourselves confused as to what direction to take.
We all have a shadow self, or selves. This is the part of ourselves that we do not acknowledge, that we deny exists.
The School of Life is not without its ups and downs, its lessons as well as its rewards. Some of the teachings come through joy, such as...
To be conscious means to be here now and to be aware, not just of ourselves, but of the life around us.
Our actions, as well as our thoughts, send ripples of energy out into the world. Realizing this leads us to acknowledge the power we wield with our thoughts and imagination.
Science and quantum physics have shown that everything is energy in motion. Consequently, we are all connected since everything is made of energy and energy has no walls, no boundaries.
We are now, yet again, in a time where people, even members of the same family, see themselves as enemies because of their differing views and beliefs.
To access our own wisdom, we need to take the time to pause before reacting -- which is not always easy to do.
When we think we stand alone, we are weak. However, when we realize that we are part of a greater plan, and that we are connected...
Most of us have had difficulty not only loving others, but also loving ourselves, unconditionally.
We can choose to make joy and love our life experience and purpose as they...
Find something you love and do it! Sing, dance, walk, paint, cook, clean, whatever brings you that feeling of wellbeing...
We have gotten comfortable in our own status quo, and fear that everything will fall apart if things change.
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