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Marie T. Russell's Daily Inspiration
The focus for today is: I embrace my full potential and power.
When we think we stand alone, we are weak. However, when we realize that we are part of a greater plan, and that we are connected not just to others, but to nature and to life as a whole, we also realize that we are as powerful as life itself.
We are powerful through our innate connection with our heart, our intuition, and the greater good. We are powerful as we tune in to our truth, and step past the fears of "not enough"... not good enough, not rich enough, not smart enough, not intuitive enough, not loved enough, etc.
You become your empowered self when you give yourself permission to live your truth, listen to your intuition, and love unconditionally. Your power resides in your fullness, your oneness, and your aliveness. Embrace your full potential and power, and step forth to follow the guidance of your heart and soul.
Today's Daily Inspiration is excerpted from the InnerSelf.com article:
Being Aware and Understanding Our Connection to Everything
Written by Marie T. Russell
Read the complete article here
This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of InnerSelf, wishing you a day of empowerment (today and every day)
Join me again tomorrow for the Daily Inspiration and focus of the day.
Today, we embrace our full potential and power.
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This week's Daily Inspirations are inspired from:
CARD DECK: Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle
Soulflower Plant Spirit Oracle: 44-Card Deck and Guidebook
by Lisa Estabrook
In this high-vibration, full-color deck, artist and plant whisperer Lisa Estabrook presents 44 beautiful and vivid Soulflower oracle cards, along with empowering and insightful messages from each card’s plant spirit, to help you tend the garden of your soul. The cards are designed to help you remember the simple truth that all of Nature is sharing--that we are cyclical beings intimately entwined with the Earth and all of life.
Working with the cards will help you connect directly to your own inner wisdom, your intuition, like a mirror reflecting back at you the truth of what’s in your heart.
For more info and/or to order this card deck and guidebook click here.