- Natureza Gabriel Kram
- Read Time: 2 mins
For 99.9% of human history, the way we lived was all about connection. What our hunter-gatherer ancestors prioritized above all things was our connection to ourselves, one another, and the Living World.
For 99.9% of human history, the way we lived was all about connection. What our hunter-gatherer ancestors prioritized above all things was our connection to ourselves, one another, and the Living World.
Personally, I find it difficult to believe that the infinitely loving intelligence running this incredible show called « the universe » would suddenly make mistakes, though I know that my mind has often made such mistakes – and many others.
There are many things to be sad about in life, and many things that are troublesome. Yet in the midst of all this, we must also remember to laugh, love, and live fully.
Love is the most important energy in life -- both outgoing (loving) and incoming (being loved). Love is more than just between a couple, or a mother and child. It includes all...
If we drain ourselves of energy, and don't take the time to replenish, not only will we be empty of vitality, but we will have nothing to give to others either.
When we're busy struggling with day to day problems and challenges, it's not always easy to lift our eyes and see the light on the future's horizon.
Surrounding ourselves with things we don't love is a drain on our energy. And the opposite is true -- surrounding ourselves with things that please us, provides us joy. In the same way...
Why are we afraid of change? Why do we resist it? I believe it is due to fear of the unknown. Because we don't know what change will bring, and because we don't trust either others, ourselves, or the Universe, we fear change.
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
"You really are the architect and builder of your life. Your thoughts are creating your life moment by moment. They are either building what you want or tearing it down."
All paths lead back to Love... inside and out. Some people prefer to take a more challenging route to reach there, others prefer to sit and wait it out for a while, and others just like the smooth sailing route.
There is no universal picture or description of perfection. Perfection, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. And it is based on each person's perception and judgments.
If we look at opposites in Nature -- night and day, rain and sunshine, high tide and low tide -- we see that they are not good or bad, they balance each other out.
It feels good to heal from damaging messages that you are “less than.” As this happens, you strengthen the voice that says, “You are so much better than this mess you were handed.” You become better at recognizing your boundaries and gain the ability to say “No.”
Life is actually very simple. There is a cause and then, there is an effect or outcome. Thoughts, words and actions are...
As we can see in nature, things go in circles, or cycles -- whether it is the rotation of the planets, the cycles of the seasons, or rainfall evaporating back into clouds and coming back down as rain. All cycles, all circles.
Our prayers and requests are not fulfilled by a magical being or cosmic sugar daddy. The energy of fulfilment is constantly present in the Universe, and we are the ones who control the on and off switch.
The habit of framing problems as an imaginary battle between good and evil distorts our awareness of the importance of balancing conflicting priorities, and of considering both sides of the paradoxes we encounter in the everyday process of doing business.
Have you ever had this experience: Something happens, and your immediate comment is "I knew that would happen!" Not only did you know it would happen, you predicted it!
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
I suppose we may all, at times, feel like we are living in dark times. We may feel discouraged at the "state of the world" or at the behavior of people the world over, and even of those close to us. Or we may be downhearted at the life we are living...
Each one of us is unique. There is only one person like us in the whole Universe.
Pandemic slog is the feeling that no matter how much progress we seem to make, we feel stuck, anxious and a general malaise. We are less motivated and inspired to transcend inevitable obstacles and disappointments.
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