5 Practices to Activate, Nourish and Fortify Your Innate Connection System (Video)

Written by Gabriel Kram. Narrated by Marie T. Russell.

For 99.9% of human history, the way we lived was all about connection. What our hunter-gatherer ancestors prioritized above all things was our connection to ourselves, one another, and the Living World.

At a biological level, a connection system is built into every human being. This biological system wires together the neural regulation of the face and voice with the heart and breath. When we feel safe, it brings us into physiological regulation and attuned relationships with others. This connection system is, biologically, the root of health and well-being.

Can you sense it? When this circuit is online, you feel well. But what if it’s offline?

Bringing this system online used to be the job of our culture...

Continue Reading this article at InnerSelf.com (plus audio/mp3 version of article)

Music By Caffeine Creek Band, Pixabay 

Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved.

Book by this Author:

Restorative Practices of Wellbeing

Restorative Practices of Wellbeing
by Natureza Gabriel Kram.

book cover of: Restorative Practices of Wellbeing by Natureza Gabriel Kram.In this pioneering volume, connection phenomenologist Gabriel Kram addresses two fundamental practical questions: how do we address the trauma and disconnection endemic to the modern world, and how do we turn on the Connection System? Marrying cutting-edge neurophysiology with awareness technologies from a wide variety of traditions and lineages, this book maps a novel approach to the creation of wellbeing informed by the most cutting-edge science, and the most ancient of awareness practices. It teaches over 300 restorative practices of wellbeing to connect with Self, Others, and the Living World. 

For anyone who has faced a difficult childhood, grown up with a sense that there is something missing in the modern world, or yearns for deeper connection with Self, Others, or the Living World, this book provides a map to a (r)evolutionary approach to wellbeing so ancient it hasn't been invented yet.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here

About the Author

photo of Natureza Gabriel KramNatureza Gabriel Kram is a connection phenomenologist. Over the past 25 years, he’s undertaken advanced study and research in neurophysiology, applied mindfulness, social justice pedagogy, deep nature connection, cultural linguistics, and Indigenous lifeways with support from over 50 mentors in 25 disciplines of well-being from 20 cultures. He is convener of the Restorative Practices Alliance, founder and CEO of Applied Mindfulness, Inc., and co-founder of the Academy of Applied Social Medicine.

He is the author of several books, including Restorative Practices of Wellbeing, an interactive compendium of over 300 practices that restore wholeness and well-being. Learn more at restorativepractices.com/books.


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