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Written by Evelyn C. Rysdyk and Narrated by Marie T. Russell.

You can program your subconscious before you go to sleep, asking it to provide creative solutions through dreams. The subconscious can be creative when you are sleeping. The prolific inventor Thomas Edison never even napped without programming his sleep time. He is famously quoted as saying, “Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.”

Your brain naturally flows through a series of brain states when falling asleep, from active beta, to relaxed alpha, and into theta before entering into the delta sleep wave. Once asleep, your subconscious mind is able to solve problems and be creative, especially when you are deeply in the delta wave state. It can accomplish this because the linear mind is completely off-line during that period.

In this way, your subconscious becomes what professor and neurobiologist Stuart Thompson describes as “your tireless co-conspirator.” It is also why I suggest clearing it of unbeneficial beliefs: that old clutter just takes up space that you want for your creative energy to flow.

Before Going to Bed

Take time before going to bed to think about what you want to accomplish or what problem you want to solve. Look at it from as many angles as you can and...

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Music By Caffeine Creek Band, Pixabay 

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Shamanic Creativity

Shamanic Creativity: Free the Imagination with Rituals, Energy Work, and Spirit Journeying
by Evelyn C. Rysdyk

book cover of Shamanic Creativity: Free the Imagination with Rituals, Energy Work, and Spirit Journeying by Evelyn C. RysdykIn this step-by-step practical guide to enhancing creative energy, Evelyn Rysdyk explains how, from the shamanic perspective, creativity--or creative energy--is a life-giving force that frees the imagination, supports innovation, and awakens unique ways of thinking and feeling that can transform your life. She explores how to release creativity-blocking patterns, reprogram the subconscious, engage the “right brain,” boost imagination, overcome anxiety and destructive emotions, and become much more creative in daily life.

Examining creative energy as a natural phenomenon similar to the tides, the author provides suggestions for when your creative energy is at a low tide as well as offering shamanic techniques for dealing with insecurities related to your creative pursuits and overcoming dysfunctional subconscious perceptions.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition.

About the Author

photo of Evelyn C. RysdykEvelyn C. Rysdyk is an internationally recognized shamanic practitioner and author of several books, including The Norse ShamanSpirit Walking, and The Nepalese Shamanic Path.

Along with her writings, she is an impassioned teacher and a featured presenter for Sounds True, The Shift Network, and other international and online programs. She finds creative inspiration and renewal on the coast of Maine.

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