Written by Will Wilkinson and Narrated by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com
George P. Shears was a retired American chiropractor who became something of a minor wellness celebrity in the 70’s with his invention of Love Casting. George could heal people in one-on-one real time sessions, but as he aged and his own health deteriorated, limiting travel, he developed an effective technique for reaching beyond the physical level to offer what is known today as remote healing. He called it Love Casting.
Being in George's presence was transformative. I only knew him during one magical summer in Colorado where I was engaged in an energy healing apprenticeship. Our visits and conversations always left me in awe. How could he do so much by doing so little?
George had a home base, an inner state that I would describe as "Love first." Without speaking a word, George communicated that Love was his prevailing priority. He used the word God sometimes but he wasn’t into any kind of religion. Clearly, he was experiencing what I feel is the truth of God, beyond beliefs and beyond romance: Love. This was tangible in his presence, the powerful impression of a genuinely loving energy.
Decades later, I've come to understand that this is natural and normal for every human being and that all of us have the same potential healing ability that George optimized. So, how do we build our own home base? How can we heal, in person and over a distance? It starts with learning how to live in gratitude...
Continue Reading this article at InnerSelf.com (plus audio/mp3 version of article)
Music By Caffeine Creek Band, Pixabay
Copyright 2021. Natural Wisdom LLC.
Reprinted with permission of the author.
The Noon Club: Creating The Future in One Minute Every Day
by Will Wilkinson
The Noon Club is a free member alliance that focuses intentional power every day at noon to create an impact in human consciousness. Members set their smart phones for noon and pause in silence or to offer a brief declaration, transmitting love into the quantum world of mass consciousness. Meditators lowered the crime rate in Washington DC in the 89's. What can we do in The Noon Club? Participation is simple. Just set your smart phone and pause at noon every day at noon to transmit. For updates on the program and more information, and to connect with other members, visit www.noonclub.org .
Click here to order this book.
Will Wilkinson is a senior consultant with Luminary Communications in Ashland, Oregon. He has authored or co-authored seven previous books, conducted hundreds of interviews with leading edge change agents, and is growing an international network of visionary activists. He is also the founder of The Noon Club, a free member alliance that focuses intentional power every day at noon to create an impact in human consciousness.