- Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com
- Read Time: 2 mins
Walk with inner guidance in harmony with your environment and with others. Obstacles facing you begin to disintegrate.
Walk with inner guidance in harmony with your environment and with others. Obstacles facing you begin to disintegrate.
Think about all the activities and pursuits in which you’re involved and ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” Answers generally revolve around the thing or the accomplishment.
Is life complicated? Maybe, maybe not. Do we make it complicated? I think that's a definite yes! We complicate our life when we...
"Dare to dream & create a vision for your life." Things are not always as they seem. Sometimes...
We grow from our "muddy" or "murky" life challenges and experiences to become a lovely creation of light. anchored strongly to our source.
Just like nature, we have cycles and seasons. These can manifest as moods, or cycles of life such as teenager, young adult, parent, grandparent, etc., or as different jobs or careers. Everything in life is in flux, even when...
Change is something we can't avoid. It is constant and it is everywhere. Our body changes all the time. Cells die and are born every second. Actually...
Personally, I find it difficult to believe that the infinitely loving intelligence running this incredible show called « the universe » would suddenly make mistakes, though I know that my mind has often made such mistakes – and many others.
"You really are the architect and builder of your life. Your thoughts are creating your life moment by moment. They are either building what you want or tearing it down."
It feels good to heal from damaging messages that you are “less than.” As this happens, you strengthen the voice that says, “You are so much better than this mess you were handed.” You become better at recognizing your boundaries and gain the ability to say “No.”
The habit of framing problems as an imaginary battle between good and evil distorts our awareness of the importance of balancing conflicting priorities, and of considering both sides of the paradoxes we encounter in the everyday process of doing business.
I suppose we may all, at times, feel like we are living in dark times. We may feel discouraged at the "state of the world" or at the behavior of people the world over, and even of those close to us. Or we may be downhearted at the life we are living...
Transformation and rebirth are not a destination but a process that we live through, every day and every moment. Just like happiness, transformation and rebirth are an inside job. They are not "out there somewhere" but inside our very being.
I’ve always wanted to explore this theme – conscious evolution – and experience the deeper meaning of it. I’ll start here, with my belief that all evolving humans want three things: happiness, fulfilment, and meaning.
Two polar opposite points of view—though seemingly contradictory and mutually exclusive—can both be seen to be potentially valid depending on the reference point through which they’re viewed.
"There is a rhythm and balance to all life, a dance between physical reality and the spiritual world...."
While nothing in the world really belongs to us, our lives are one thing that do belong to us. We are in charge of them completely. We get to make choices, set goals, and choose the direction in which we desire our lives to progress.
Almost everyone procrastinates. We usually do it to avoid a task that's unpleasant or daunting. Some things are broad and require lots of time and effort, and may involve changing long-held behaviors or beliefs. Others are...
When your story isn’t working for you, when it seems to be influencing what you’re experiencing and causing you unhappiness, you can change it. And playing with metaphors can help you to do that.
The word harmony has various meanings. It is used in music, in relationships, referring to inner peace, and as well as "working well together". In all of these definitions, the commonality is a blending of energies so that the whole is more pleasing than the part.
All it takes is turning on the news, reading the newspaper, or talking to people these days to be reminded that men’s behavior is getting a lot of attention. The #times up, #metoo and Black Lives Matter movements provided the requisite spark to raise awareness about toxic, masculine behavior.
Do you ever find yourself looking at certain people and thinking to yourself, "Surely that person's life is totally incredible and they are not hurting like I am." This is something most people do; they look at others, compare themselves to them, and conclude that the other person's life is better.
We are constantly in the process of renewing ourselves and transforming. Physically, we are continually growing new cells.
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