Have You Talked to the Weeds in Your Garden Lately? (Video)

Written by Fay Johnstone. Narrated by Marie T. Russell.

As an herbalist I have a very different view of weeds than the average gardener who can’t abide common garden weeds such as nettle, dandelion and plantain. These plants and many more of our garden weeds are nutritious and full of minerals and beneficial medicinal properties. When you view plants in this way it can make weeding extremely challenging and full of guilt.

As much as I love my garden weeds for their medicinal uses, though, I do pull them up sometimes as I also enjoy looking at a flower bed that is nettle-free! I always talk to the plants as I am weeding, asking them to politely grow elsewhere. I often explain why I am pulling them up. It’s usually to give another plant space or light to grow.

To make the process a little easier I like to work in my garden using reiki as well as Ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian practice for forgiveness that translates as “moving from darkness to light”. The practice of Ho’oponopono is based on the understanding that we are all connected and that by taking responsibility for the suffering of others we can bring about transformation and healing. It is a cleansing practice that requires an ability to be humble and to love unconditionally.

This simple prayer of Ho’oponopono comes in very havindy when you are weeding, pruning, thinning, transplanting and harvesting plants. I also find it useful when I am harvesting food or flowers from the garden...

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Music By Caffeine Creek Band, Pixabay

Narrated by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com

About the Author

PHOTO OF Fay JohnstoneFay Johnstone is passionate about plants and people and draws on her experience as a former owner of a flower and herb farm and her shamanic training to assist personal transformation with the subtle whispers of nature. Fay teaches workshops on plant spirit connection, Earth based healing and offers shamanic treatments across the UK, online, and from her home near Edinburgh, Scotland.

Visit her website at http://fayjohnstone.com

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