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Marie T. Russell's Daily Inspiration
The focus for today is: My mind, body, and spirit work in harmony with each other.
When working with our own well-being, we need to consider mind, body, and spirit. Harmony is found in the balance between all three when they work in harmony with each other. When we are dealing with others, the answer also exists somewhere in the middle ground of balance.
We create a life of happiness when we balance pleasure and purpose, as well as giving and receiving. Once we attain this state of balance, we find that our will and Divine Will are perfectly aligned.
We may think of our choices as either/or decisions, but harmony is found in a balance between extremes.
Today's Daily Inspiration is excerpted from the InnerSelf.com article:
Dare To Dream
Written by Marie T. Russell
Read the complete article here.
This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of InnerSelf, wishing you a day of harmony and balance (today and every day)
Join me again tomorrow for the Daily Inspiration and focus of the day.
Today, our mind, body, and spirit work in harmony with each other.
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This week's Daily Inspirations are inspired from:
CARD DECK: Chakra Cards for Belief Change
Chakra Cards for Belief Change: The Healing InSight Method
by Nikki Gresham-Record
An easy-to-use therapy tool for transforming unhelpful belief patterns and envisioning positive change:
• Identifies 28 beliefs per chakra that can be energetically realigned using the Healing InSight Method
• Offers a tool set of therapeutic processes, affirmations, visualization, and bodywork for the practical application of the transformational belief realignment method
• Includes 56 full-color, high-vibration chakra images, one for each main chakra as well as 7 additional empowering images for each chakra
Info/Order this card deck.