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Marie T. Russell's Daily Inspiration
The focus for today is: I honor my Self and express my divine radiance out into the world.
Once we have gotten clear about who we are and have learned the art of communication by both listening and speaking, we can then start to live our truth. We express our Self not only through our words and actions, but through our body language, our eyes, and even our clothes.
Knowing who we are is a wonderful thing, but it lacks form and power unless we express it out in the world through our body, eyes, and voice. Your voice, your perspective, your vision is unique. Unless you express it, others can not join forces with you to help empower your dream.
Some may not agree with you, but it is not about them. It is about you. It is about you finding your voice, your song, your essence, and letting it come forth from your heart and soul. Honor your Self and express your divine radiance out into the world.
Today's Daily Inspiration is excerpted from the InnerSelf.com article:
Dare To Dream
Written by Marie T. Russell
Read the complete article here.
This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of InnerSelf, wishing you a day of expressing your Self (today and every day)
Join me again tomorrow for the Daily Inspiration and focus of the day.
Today, we honor our Self and express our divine radiance out into the world.
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This week's Daily Inspirations are inspired from:
CARD DECK: Chakra Cards for Belief Change
Chakra Cards for Belief Change: The Healing InSight Method
by Nikki Gresham-Record
An easy-to-use therapy tool for transforming unhelpful belief patterns and envisioning positive change:
• Identifies 28 beliefs per chakra that can be energetically realigned using the Healing InSight Method
• Offers a tool set of therapeutic processes, affirmations, visualization, and bodywork for the practical application of the transformational belief realignment method
• Includes 56 full-color, high-vibration chakra images, one for each main chakra as well as 7 additional empowering images for each chakra
Info/Order this card deck.