Written and Narrated by Marie T. Russell
There's an expression that is used by French-Canadians: "Être né pour un petit pain". This expression loosely translates into English as "born for a small loaf of bread". In other words, the sentiment is that one doesn't deserve better than just a small loaf of bread or bread crumbs.
This attitude is the first block to creating a life of bliss for ourselves... .the belief that we don't deserve it. You might think you're not good enough, or that you did something for which you deserve to be punished, or you're not smart enough, or good looking enough, or whatever "enough" you feel you are lacking. Whatever the reason, the end result is that we've then closed the door to a life of abundant joy and blessings.
In order to receive the best life has to offer, whether emotionally or physically, we have to believe we deserve it. We have to be willing to aim high for what we desire, whether that is in the realm of relationships, work, money, living situation, etc. If you aim for bread crumbs, chances are that is what you will get. While aiming high may not guarantee you will reach the top of the mountain, it at least pretty much guarantees you won't be stuck at the bottom where the crumbs are.
In order to achieve a goal or a dream, we have to...
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Music By Caffeine Creek Band, Pixabay